Modern Day


Updated 19 June 2024:
Modern Day was built by private owners in Madison, Maryland. Her cross-planked hull was constructed in the mid-1980s, but the boat was never finished. Her current owners acquired the hull in 2015 and built her into a working dredge boat. It is unclear whether she still bears the name Modern Day and what her current location and status are.

Modern Day
6 November 2017

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While Skipjack Modern Day was built in 2015-16, her hull dates back about thirty years earlier. In the mid-1980s, Jack McClain of Dorchester County, Maryland, built a skipjack hull, completing it from the keel up to the starter plank.

The hull then sat in a shed in Hudson for decades until being acquired by the Richardson Maritime Museum in Cambridge in 2011. It sat on their Ruark Boatworks property for another few years until Benny and Alex Horseman bought it in 2015.

They used the hull to build their own skipjack in Madison. Fiberglassed and with hydraulic dredges, they put the boat to work dredging.

Current status of the boat is unclear, or even if she is still called Modern Day. She was spotted in 2023 on land in the Toddville area beside the Horsemans' other skipjack, Elsie Peggy Joyce. Both boats reportedly had been dredging from there and the Fishing Creek area.

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